Bruno Leblanc

Bruno Leblanc

* 19.08.1934
† 10.09.2023 in Berlin
Erstellt von ESCP Business School
Angelegt am 15.09.2023
410 Besuche

Neueste Einträge (5)


Merci Monsieur Leblanc

15.10.2023 um 14:36 Uhr von Alan Nobili

Merci Monsieur Leblanc, merci Bruno, 

en créant l'EAP vous avez changé ma vie et je tenais à vous remercier. Je pense fort aussi très fort à votre fille Claire qui fait partie de ma promo EAP et qui est mon Amie avec un grand A.




Entzündet am 21.09.2023 um 15:37 Uhr

In Erinnerung...


Mercie Bruno!

19.09.2023 um 14:25 Uhr von Emeritus Professor and Rektor Dr. Herwig E. Haase

Bruno Leblanc was a real EUROPEAN: He combined the advantages of the FRENCH - i.e. preparation and entrance exam -, BRITISH - i.e. Tutoring and Monitoring - and GERMAN - Examination - Management EDUCATION with CULTURE and PRACTICE in the COMPANIES to EUROPEAN MANAGERS and LEADERS. ADIEU BRUNO! 


Prof Bruno Leblanc

17.09.2023 um 12:12 Uhr von Jean Paul Lemaire

En associaiton à la peine de sa famille et de ses proches, ce témoignage d'attachement au delà des années, pour cette heureuse période passée à ses côtés à l'EAP et de reconnaissance pour tout ce qu'il m'a apporté.

Em. Prof. Dr. Jean Paul Lemaire


Tribute to Bruno Leblanc

15.09.2023 um 11:26 Uhr von ESCP Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin

On Sunday, September 10, 2023, Professor Bruno Leblanc passed away in Berlin at the age of 89. With his departure, ESCP Business School not only lost a highly esteemed faculty member but also the architect of the European structure that defines the business school today. Following his own education in multiple European countries and beyond, as well as a series of early career advancements Professor Leblanc assumed leadership of EAP – École des Affaires de Paris in 1979, which had campuses in France, England, and Germany and is now an integral part of ESCP Business School.

Among his numerous achievements were the state recognition of the school by the German government, the establishment of a fourth campus in Madrid, and the creation of a truly international student body at all campuses. Professor Leblanc was fluent in seven languages, had served as an officer in the French army, and held a doctoral degree from Oxford. He remains etched in our memories as a most brilliant thinker in economics, business, and politics. Among many talents, he had the ability to captivate any audience with stellar intellect, wisdom and humor.

To students, colleagues, and all who ever met him, he will forever serve as an exemplar, and we already miss him deeply. All our sympathies go to his family.

The Dean,
all faculty, and
all staff of ESCP Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin